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Long-term, responsible investment

Click here for our 2024 Sustainability Report

We believe that renewable energy is an asset class where it is possible to achieve attractive long-term investment yield whilst making a major contribution to lower global carbon emissions.

For TRIG and its Managers, investing responsibly is essential for us to maintain a sustainable business model over the long term. This goes further than our commitment to reducing carbon emissions through renewables investment but also includes other sustainability considerations.

TRIG has four sustainability goals which the Company and its managers seek to fulfil with every investment we make as we operate our assets and generally conduct ourselves on a day-to-day basis:

  • Mitigate Climate Change
  • Preserve our natural environment
  • Positively impact the communities we work in
  • Maintain ethics and integrity in governance

TRIG’s Investment Manager, InfraRed, maintains a comprehensive sustainability management system which integrates sustainability into each stage of the investment process – starting with the initial assessment of an investment opportunity and running throughout the life of an asset to its decommissioning.

InfraRed takes an active approach to long-term sustainable investment which is based on a foundation of robust ESG principles. InfraRed uses environmental criteria to assess how effectively a company stewards the natural environment, assists with the transition to a low carbon economy and complies with relevant laws and regulations. Through a social set of standards, the team evaluates the company’s approach to health & safety, labour standards and working conditions as well as the relationships it has with its stakeholders and surrounding communities. In terms of corporate governance, InfraRed looks to ensure that our partners adhere to the highest standards of corporate conduct. Regular studies, inspections, surveys and risk assessments are undertaken to ensure this remains the case at all times.

Processes are reviewed and refreshed periodically as part of a commitment to continuous improvement.

InfraRed also adopts and implements the Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”)1 which are widely recognised and highly regarded around the world. InfraRed has achieved the highest possible infrastructure rating for eight consecutive PRI assessments, having secured a 5-star rating for the 2023 period.2

1 Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”) ratings are based on following a set of Principles, including incorporating ESG issues into investment analysis, decision-making processes and ownership policies. More information is available at

2 In the 2023 Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”) assessment, InfraRed achieved a 5-star rating for the Policy Governance and Strategy and Infrastructure and a 4-star rating for the newly created Confidence Building Measures. Please find InfraRed’s report available for download on our website here:


RES’ sustainability agenda is ‘to power positive change by ensuring that its operations, products and services make a net positive contribution to society and the environment.’ RES has an ESG Policy and Strategy agreed at Group Executive level, and the ESG teams integrate this strategy, measure performance, and communicate sustainability policies and activities to the wider group.

As TRIG’s Operational Manager, overview and management of operational ESG activities are led by RES, who have extensive experience in supporting a variety of ESG frameworks. RES keeps active sight of the Operational KPI’s published in the interim and annual reports, which include energy use, emissions data, habitat management, homes equivalent powered, displaced carbon, Local Electricity Discount Scheme, and community outreach activities. RES strive to keep and maintain health and safety standards on site, good relationships with local communities, and enhanced habitat management.

TRIG’s Board and Managers recognise the importance of regular and transparent reporting. Sustainability reporting promotes better risk management, operational efficiency and ensures that we are accountable to our stakeholders.

InfraRed and RES each report on their sustainability related activities, including relating to climate change. Their reporting is available on their respective websites.

TRIG has four ESG goals which we seek to fulfil with every investment we make and as we conduct ourselves on a day-to-day basis:

  • To mitigate Climate Change
  • To preserve our natural environment
  • To positively impact the communities we work in
  • To maintain ethics and integrity in governance

We periodically report on portfolio progress against these goals with specific Key Performance Indicators, recent disclosures are available on the Reports & publications page here.

TRIG is a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”), in line with our commitment to SDG 13 Climate Action. TRIG continues to expand its assessment of the potential impact, including opportunities and risks, of climate change and its TCFD reporting, which can also be found in TRIG’s latest Annual Report.

TRIG remains aligned with European Union and United Kingdom sustainability regulations. Details of TRIG’s SFDR categorisation and results of the EU Taxonomy assessment undertaken on the portfolio can be found in TRIG’s latest Sustainability Report.

TRIG’s Managers and Board seek to continue to improve TRIG’s sustainability reporting and continue to monitor this evolving area to ensure we adopt market best practices.

TRIG invests in renewables and other forms of infrastructure that are complementary to, or support the roll-out of, renewable energy generation. Reducing greenhouse gas (including carbon) emissions is central to the purpose of TRIG and its Managers.

InfraRed is a member of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative and has committed to 70% of its Assets under Management (“AUM”) be aligning, aligned or net zero by 2030. RES is a signatory to the SBTi, with approved targets including committing to absolute reductions by 2030 in its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% and Scope 3 emissions by 52%. Both Managers also offset their operational emissions, including those associated with electricity usage and business travel. The TRIG Board adopts practices which help to maintain a low-carbon footprint, including combining face-to-face meetings with virtual calls where appropriate and not printing Board papers. Emissions associated with the Board’s business travel are offset.


Our story so far

Scroll our timeline to view more dates

Since IPO TRIG has invested over £3.5 billion into renewable energy


of clean renewable power generated annually


homes (equivalent) the portfolio is capable of powering


tonnes of CO2 emissions the portfolio is capable of avoiding

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals

TRIG’s efforts are focused on the goals which align with our sustainability goals, SDG contributions are made through our investments and our impact on the local communities around our assets. Primarily, the Company contributes towards SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy, and SDG 13 Climate action. Our ESG commitments have a broader reach, and overall TRIG actively contributes to 11 out of the 17 SDGs, either at an asset level or by the Company.